Epic Score – Conqueror (No Vocals)

Epic Score - Conqueror (No Vocals)

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Descripción original del vídeo:

You can purchase this album here
iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/epic-orchestral-action-inferno/1460169836
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Epic-Orchestral-Action-Inferno-Score/dp/B07QTBQJ91

Track Conqueror (No Vocals)
Album Epic Orchestral Action (Inferno)
Company Epic Score
Official Website www.epicscore.com

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Epic Music: The Brave One (Track 51) by RS Soundtrack

Epic Music: The Brave One (Track 51) by RS Soundtrack

Ver este vídeo en Youtube
Todos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv Seewoolall
Sigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack

Descripción original del vídeo:

All music is copyright of RS Soundtrack. All rights reserved.

Ladies and gents – this is track no 51 to join Project Epic and this track does have a story to tell. Yes It may have repetitions from start to end but tried to compose it to deliver a gentle start to then build into an action/uplifting score. You will hear some whoosh bangs happening in the track which kinds of gives it a feel that the character is attacking or taking a brave step! walking in fire like the image portrays :-D.. oh well it might have a different story line for others but that is my idea of what i think the track entails.

Anyway i honestly did not get time to tweak it as it should as normal work can be so hard and finding time to compose can be so tricky too. Anyway i have mentioned before that i am not a pro composer but always trying to deliver. This is still a hobby and enjoy sharing the work for you all to listen.

Anyway i hope you like the score. Does have a powerful feel to it.

The animation for this track is NOT copyright of RS Soundtrack. I found this footage from a youtube channel which does animation and i was so impressed with his work so please check his link below:


This is an Animated Sephiroth One Winged Angel Final Fantasy VII Wallpaper – Wallpaper Engine

Check his work here:


Very impressed my friend.

In general all rights on the character itself is reserved to https://www.finalfantasy.com | SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD

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Todos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv Seewoolall
Sigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack

Sami J. Laine – Inseparable | Epic Powerful Heroic Vocal Orchestral

Sami J. Laine - Inseparable | Epic Powerful Heroic Vocal Orchestral

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal Epic Music Channel (EMC) y a los artistas indicados en la descripción
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Descripción original del vídeo:



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Song: Inseparable
Composer: Sami J. Laine
Vocalist: Merethe Soltvedt

Image Artist: DeivCalviz
Image Link: https://www.deviantart.com/deivcalviz/art/Dragon-Watchers-628293306


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCPtUaiR4biqgfq3E1r4x3g
Soundcloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/sjlsmusic
Bandcamp: https://sjlsmusic.bandcamp.com/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sJLsMusic?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjlsmusic/
Audiojungle: https://audiojungle.net/user/sjlsmusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7q6kSJ2EcWD3HVI6nxKep7?si=ZPYUFlgNQFmnOvQlOG4Vog


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EpicMusicChannel (EMC) II: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKbPrrIH1zjJM0xEiIMGiA
Thomas Bergersen Fan Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TBergersenFanChannel
TropeDragons (Partner channel): https://www.youtube.com/c/TropeDragons



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y a los artistas indicados en la descripción
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Nuevo single de Mark Petrie: Champion


Nuevo single de Mark Petrie: Champion

Album tracks:
Here To Win by Alexander Hitchens
Fight for it by Alexander Hitchens
The Charge by Alexander Hitchens
Back in Action by Alexander Hitchens
Battle of the Gods by Alexander Hitchens
Rise of the Champ by Alexander Hitchens

Symbol in The War – Ender Guney – Epic Cinematic Music Royalty Free

Descripción original del vídeo:

If you want to help grow this channel, Please Donate
Kanalımın Büyümesini istiyorsanız Lütfen Bağış Desteği Yapın. Teşekkürler
I would be very happy if you donate to me
Donation Account to Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/2704061?
HQ Download: https://www.enderguneymusic.com/video
Want to use this track? You must put this in your video description
Description: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHEioEoqyFPsOiW8CepDaYg
Composed: By Ender Guney
Hello Everyone
Please support me for better quality content! Thanks…
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Bağış Desteklerinizi bekliyorum. Teşekkürler
Spotify: Ender Guney https://open.spotify.com/artist/0Gox0L9ZBHXUDh2ODrA5Ue
Tidal-Apple Music-I Tunes-Deezer: Ender guney
Web Site: https://www.enderguneymusic.com
Hello To Everyone. PLEASE!!! If you want more quality content, please like and share my music. Thanks..
Royalty Free Yazan Tüm Müziklerimi Açıklama dahilinde Kullanabilirsiniz!!!
Lütfen Müziklerimi Beğenip Paylaşın.
All my Royalty Free music is free for your channel!!!
Tüm Müziklerim Açıklama Dahilinde FREE’dir!!!
«Please share this music with those who want to use it»
#CinematicMusic #TrailerMusic #EpicMusic
Pictures: https://wall.alphacoders.com
Important Notes – Önemli Notlar
«You MUST contact the artist if you wish to use the music on any kind of project outside of YouTube.»
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«You can NOT claim the music as your own.»
«Müziği kendiniz olarak iddia edemezsiniz.»

Nuevo single de L’Orchestra Cinematique: Terminator Theme (Epic Version)

Terminator Theme (Epic Version)

Nuevo single de L'Orchestra Cinematique: Terminator Theme (Epic Version)

Album tracks:
Terminator Theme – Epic Version by L’Orchestra Cinematique

Automator (Preview)

Automator (Preview)

Ver este vídeo en Youtube
Todos los derechos corresponden a SPM Music Group
Visita el canal de SPM Music Group

Descripción original del vídeo:

Automator (Clicks, Ticks and Machinery Sounds).

«Automator is a modern suspense and thriller album made up of repeating and moving machinery parts such as clocks, cars, guns, poker chips, cash registers, computers, grinding gears, construction tools and other recurring sound design elements, with brooding drones and dirty morphing, molting hybrid textures and soundscapes».

Website: www.spmmusicgroup.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/spmmusicgroup
Twitter: www.twitter.com/spmmusicgroup
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/spmmusicgroup

For licensing, please contact: info@spmmusicgroup.com

© 2019 All rights reserved. Colossal Trailer Music is a registered trademark of SPM Music Group, LLC.

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Todos los derechos corresponden a SPM Music Group
Visita el canal de SPM Music Group

David Michael Tardy – The Sands of Time | Epic Cinematic Vocal Music

David Michael Tardy - The Sands of Time | Epic Cinematic Vocal Music

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal Premium Music HQ y al artista indicado en la descripción
Visita el canal de Premium Music HQ

Descripción original del vídeo:

Subscribe for more epic music https://www.youtube.com/user/wersion751EXTENDED
Like pmhq page on facebook https://www.facebook.com/premexhq/
Music composed, arranged, recorded, mixed, mastered and produced by David Michael Tardy.

official site https://seesthedaymusicscore.wixsite.com/seestheday
soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/david-michael-tardy
youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCToYoZUpJJU7drHray2soKw
facebook https://www.facebook.com/seesthedaymusicforpicture

artist shuo SHI
link to artwork https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VdBagb
artstation https://www.artstation.com/shishuo0808

Video animated by Premium Music HQ

Want to promote your own music or artworks on PMHQ channels?
Fill this short form to submit your work http://goo.gl/forms/64JiXjWgMe

I am not creator/owner of audio and wallpaper you see in this video!
If you want to use music that is promoted in this video, then please contact with music owner(s)!
License to use this music and artwork (wallpaper) in this video was given directly from owner(s)/artist(s).

spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/rgxecewhzo8bjf3ply3njnzjq
soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/pmhq

Support PMHQ channels on patreon https://www.patreon.com/premiummusichq

e-mail For security reasons view email address on channel about page
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submit your work http://goo.gl/forms/64JiXjWgMe
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Aladdin/Zales (TV Spot/Cross-promotion)

Aladdin/Zales (TV Spot/Cross-promotion)

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Todos los derechos corresponden a SPM Music Group
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Descripción original del vídeo:

For licensing, please contact: license@spmmusicgroup.com

TV Spot/Cross-promotion for «ALADDIN/ZALES» featuring custom music from Trailer Music Brigade.

Cave of Wonders (An Interpolation of Arabian Nights).

Website: http://www.spmmusicgroup.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SPMMUSICGROUP
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SPMMUSICGROUP
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/SPMMUSICGROUP

© 2019 All rights reserved. Colossal Trailer Music is a registered trademark of SPM Music Group, LLC.

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Todos los derechos corresponden a SPM Music Group
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IRON ROSE – Poison Blade | Epic Hybrid Dramatic Intense Music

Poison Blade - IRON ROSE | Epic Hybrid Dramatic Intense Music

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Descripción original del vídeo:

Music by Poison Blade
Track: Iron Rose
Album: Iron Rose (Single 2019)
Label: AudD Music
Vk: https://vk.com/auddmusic

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/max-poison
Audiojungle: https://audiojungle.net/user/poison_blade
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/68jl1jQAYl21BmQQ7rTtxs?si=OFlop9E2SKW7IIxBf7zImA

Donate $1 today to help us make more videos: https://emvn.co/patreon
To all of our existing patrons, we thank you for making this channel possible.
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Submit your music, videos, and art works: http://emvn.co/submitMusic

AMAZING artwork by Kittichai Reaungchaichan (Razaras)
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/razaras
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/razarasart
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/razaras

Video was edited by bonD

© All music, images and videos are copyrighted and belong to the respective owners.
Please buy music to support the artists!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/poison-blade/1330299085
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Learn how to compose epic music: http://emvn.co/Evenant

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Paul Werner – Rampage

Paul Werner - Rampage

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal ThePrimeCronus II y al artista indicado en la descripción
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Descripción original del vídeo:

✖ Genre
Epic, Hybrid, Orchestral

✖ Support
Now on Spotify http://bit.ly/SpotifyRampage
iTunes https://apple.co/2GTxhvt
Apple Music https://apple.co/2s77qpL
Amazon https://amzn.to/2SwIIL7

Follow Paul Werner
Spotify http://bit.ly/EpicMusicVol1
Facebook http://bit.ly/FacebookPaulWerner
Twitter http://bit.ly/TwitterPaulWerner
Homepage www.paulwernermusic.com

Want to use this music in your video?
Get a simple license http://bit.ly/LicenseRampage

✖ Artwork
Anime Black Clover

✖ Follow Me on Facebook http://fbl.me/ThePrimeCronus
✖ Subscribe to Main Channel https://goo.gl/jrSyRt

Note for the new Artists

✖✖ If you would like to submit your track, visual art for promotion.
✖✖ If you want to add any kind of information which belongs to the video (audio or visual)
✖✖ If you have any issues regarding any of the videos.

Please look for my email address in my channels about page, please do not send me message on this channel.

Submission Requirements

✖✖ Audio – Please specify the genre on submission
✖✖ Please provide all your social media links for description.
✖✖ Audio – Must be minimum 320kbps

Copyright Info ©

✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this.

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal ThePrimeCronus II y al artista indicado en la descripción
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Epic War Music | Last Sonic Frontier – Apeiron [ Massive Orchestral Uplifting ]

Epic War Music | Last Sonic Frontier - Apeiron [ Massive Orchestral Uplifting ]

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal Epic Music Vn X y a los artistas indicados en la descripción
Visita el canal de Epic Music Vn X

Descripción original del vídeo:

Subscribe: http://emvn.co/subscribeEMVN
Help us make more cinematics: http://emvn.co/patreonEMVN
Submit music, videos, artworks: http://emvn.co/submitEMVN
Join Epic Music VN family on Discord: https://emvn.co/discord

Music by : Last Sonic Frontier
Composer: Tim Besamusca
Track: Apeiron
Album: Crescendo

More Epic Gaming: http://emvn.co/epicGaming
More Epic Hits: http://emvn.co/epicHits
More Epic Music Mix: http://emvn.co/epicMusicMix
More Epic Cinematic: http://emvn.co/epicCinematic
More Epic Trailer: http://emvn.co/epicTrailer

Donate us: http://emvn.co/donateEMVN
Submit music: http://emvn.co/submitMusic

Please buy music to support the composers!
Follow Last Sonic Frontier on :
Website : http://www.lastsonicfrontier.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lastsonicfrontier/

≡ I’m not the creator of this Image, All rights belongs to respective owners.
Link of the image : https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=161621

Video edited by : Krish-B
Krish-B You Tube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTGNLDr5q_OBowfU8-sRCDA
Krish-B Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/krishnendu.bhattacharyya.944
Buy and listen to Epic Music Vn music:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1piwgqT
Itunes: http://bit.ly/1hDT7cG
Spotify: http://spoti.fi/Z4ZpB3
Deezer: http://bit.ly/1qirgrC

For more epic and trailer music like this, please visit Epic Music Vn on:
Website – http://epicmusicvn.co
Facebook – http://fb.com/epicmusicvn
Twitter – https://twitter.com/EpicMusicVn1
Portfolio – https://www.behance.net/epicmusicvn

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Shawn Barnes – A Glimpse of Hope | Epic Powerful Hybrid Music

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal Premium Music HQ y al artista indicado en la descripción
Visita el canal de Premium Music HQ

Descripción original del vídeo:

Subscribe for more epic music https://www.youtube.com/user/wersion751EXTENDED
Like pmhq page on facebook https://www.facebook.com/premexhq/
Music by Shawn Barnes

facebook https://www.facebook.com/shawnbarnesmusic/
youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuX-qhfXw-PiSvRJG0SgbnQ
official site https://www.shawnbarnesmusic.com/
email shawnbarnesmusic@gmail.com

artist AdamBurn
link to artwork https://www.deviantart.com/adamburn/art/Bastion-Warframe-Fan-Art-693930266
deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/adamburn
artstation https://www.artstation.com/adamburnart
official site https://adamburnart.com/
instagram https://www.instagram.com/adamburnart
tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/
twitter https://twitter.com/AdamBurnArt

Video animated by Premium Music HQ

Want to promote your own music or artworks on PMHQ channels?
Fill this short form to submit your work http://goo.gl/forms/64JiXjWgMe

I am not creator/owner of audio and wallpaper you see in this video!
If you want to use music that is promoted in this video, then please contact with music owner(s)!
License to use this music and artwork (wallpaper) in this video was given directly from owner(s)/artist(s).

spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/rgxecewhzo8bjf3ply3njnzjq
soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/pmhq

Support PMHQ channels on patreon https://www.patreon.com/premiummusichq

e-mail For security reasons view email address on channel about page
facebook https://www.facebook.com/premexhq/
submit your work http://goo.gl/forms/64JiXjWgMe
official site http://premiummusichq.wixsite.com/pehq

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal Premium Music HQ y al artista indicado en la descripción
Visita el canal de Premium Music HQ

Mika Lumijärvi – Warborne

Mika Lumijärvi - Warborne

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal ThePrimeCronus II y al artista indicado en la descripción
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Descripción original del vídeo:

✖ Genre
Epic Battle Orchestral

✖ Support

✖ Artwork
Anime Fate/Zero

✖ Follow Me on Facebook http://fbl.me/ThePrimeCronus
✖ Subscribe to Main Channel https://goo.gl/jrSyRt

Note for the new Artists

✖✖ If you would like to submit your track, visual art for promotion.
✖✖ If you want to add any kind of information which belongs to the video (audio or visual)
✖✖ If you have any issues regarding any of the videos.

Please look for my email address in my channels about page, please do not send me message on this channel.

Submission Requirements

✖✖ Audio – Please specify the genre on submission
✖✖ Please provide all your social media links for description.
✖✖ Audio – Must be minimum 320kbps

Copyright Info ©

✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this.

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Todos los derechos corresponden al canal ThePrimeCronus II y al artista indicado en la descripción
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