New compilation from Titan Slayer: Hybrid Trailers

Hybrid Trailers

New compilation from Titan Slayer: Hybrid Trailers

Album tracks:
Transdimensional Shift by Titan Slayer
Neo Terra by Titan Slayer
Horn of Abyss by Titan Slayer
Task Force by Titan Slayer
Rebel Rising by Titan Slayer
Mechanoid by Titan Slayer
Drone Hunter by Titan Slayer
Combat Scenario by Titan Slayer
Beast by Titan Slayer
Awoken Mech by Titan Slayer

New compilation from Titan Slayer: Electronic Action

Electronic Action

New compilation from Titan Slayer: Electronic Action

Album tracks:
Zanshin by Titan Slayer
Arena Eternal by Titan Slayer
Into The Void by Titan Slayer
Onslaught by Titan Slayer
Disruptor by Titan Slayer
Unreal by Titan Slayer
Dystopian Evoker by Titan Slayer
Disintegrator by Titan Slayer
Blind Fury by Titan Slayer
Hellwalker by Titan Slayer

Nuevo álbum de Titan Slayer: Avenger


Nuevo álbum de Titan Slayer: Avenger

Album tracks:
Intro to Outlander by Titan Slayer
Echelon by Titan Slayer
Avenger by Titan Slayer
Collider by Titan Slayer
Prometheus by Titan Slayer
Our Future by Titan Slayer
Outlander by Titan Slayer
Renegade by Titan Slayer
Invictus by Titan Slayer
Galaxias Chaos by Titan Slayer
Phoenix by Titan Slayer

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