Ver este vídeo en YoutubeTodos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
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Ladies and gents, we finally made it to track no 80! THE GRAND FINALE
I am really delighted to have composed 80 tracks for RS Soundtrack.
It has been a long journey and no matter what, I want to say a big thank you to all my subscribers/listener who have continued to support me on this journey nonetheless. Without you I do not think I would have reached this mark.
As I always keep saying, I am not a massive professional and just build pieces as a hobby and due to time, its never easy to go back tweak the content as I just want to move to the next track. Quite honest if I was getting paid for it, its quite normal you would want to try and keep tweaking it but as my tracks are free to use in your projects at least you have free content to use but making sure to add my credits to your work of course.
I am sure if I was full time in the music world, a lot more resources could have been included in all these tweak. But hey it is what it is so if you like the style then what I can deliver at the moment is pretty what I can do from my knowledge 🙂
Anyway I hope you like this piece composed and it will have its repetition from start to the end . It kind of acts like a riser and just builds and builds as you go along into a trailer type track. I would call it motivational trailer but I always like asking you lovely people what you think the genre could be.
It is a short piece but adds a lot of motivation and courage and I did this piece to try and show to anyone who is struggling in life to just keep going. Never give up and just continue to pursue your goals nonetheless.
Anyway ladies and gents, I am sorry to bore you with all this but I hope you like this track and sorry again if the sound has some distortions but is still ok to listen and enjoy the feel of the track.
As I always mention, the wallpaper engine is NOT copyright of RS Soundtrack and all rights are reserved to the owner. I found this footage from the link below:
Anyway I hope you all have a nice evening and when I get time, i hope to try and compose more pieces.
Could this be the grand finale of RS Soundtrack or will tracks no. 81-90 will be in the works? I cannot say but stay tuned 😀
Ver este vídeo en YoutubeTodos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv SeewoolallSigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack