Epic Music – Between Worlds (Track 53) by RS Soundtrack

Epic Music - Between Worlds (Track 53) by RS Soundtrack

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Todos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv Seewoolall
Sigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack

Descripción original del vídeo:

All music is copyright of RS Soundtrack. All rights reserved.

This was really nice composing. It is very uplifting and the piano piece to me was very inspiring. The track is kind of continuous score and turns out with a nice uplifting feel when it reaches the end of the track. It was an interesting piece to compose i have to say and enjoyed spending over 8hrs trying to build this.

This track may be remastered and will try to make longer but as mentioned if the sounds are slightly off edge then sorry all but these are just projects end of the day.

Anyway ladies and gents, enough jibber jabber and as always the video applied is NOT copyright of RS Soundtrack.

I found this wallpaper engine from the link below and quite cool to be fairly honest:


You can download them all from the link below:

Download all of them – https://link-to.net/2441/SteamWorkshop

Ver este vídeo en Youtube
Todos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv Seewoolall
Sigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack

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