Ver este vídeo en YoutubeTodos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv SeewoolallSigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack
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All music is copyright of RS Soundtrack. All rights reserved.
Ladies and gents, i am super delighted to announce that this is track no. 60 to join Project Epic. Wow i cannot believe how many tracks i have composed but this number is a big one. It has been an incredible journey and i am grateful to all my subscribers and listeners for believing in my music.
As a developing composer with such limited resources, i am happy that i am still able to build epic music and its a great feeling being able to compose. RS Soundtrack has really become a great title for my music and i am glad listeners are finding me. I know i am no pro composer but if my music is making a difference to many, then it’s a great feeling for me..
Anyway all, this track is a dramatic score and due to time which i know i will not have the next few weeks, i managed to find time to compose a quick track to make this the big 60. This track does have a lot of similarities to my other scores but still try to make it as different as possible. The sections of the track does repeat itself but the delivery turned out pretty good with a great start till the end which finishes in amazing instruments as well as logic libraries.
As always RS Soundtrack does not own copyright to the wallpaper engine. All rights are reserved to the owner and link is below to access the wallpaper:
Well everyone happy listening and here is to Track 70-80!!!
Ver este vídeo en YoutubeTodos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv SeewoolallSigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack