Ver este vídeo en YoutubeTodos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv SeewoolallSigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack
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All music is copyright of RS Soundtrack. All rights reserved..
Well ladies and gents – it’s time to work on tracks 61-70.
Welcome to track no. 61 to join Project Epic.. I called this track «Time’s Up» as the piano tilt kind of makes it sound like Time is up. So i went for this title.
This track is very similar to 2 of my previous tracks. ‘Endless’ and ‘End of Days’ – It comprises of quite a few default libraries i used from logic Pro and some limited libraries i got from NI. It was great composing this track and i would describe this track a combination of drama and action scoring.
Anyway i managed to find time to make this piece and i do like to bare in mind that the track has not been mastered so the sound quality will not be that great. These are projects end of the day and i hope you all like this piece my friends.
I do like to say thank you to all my followers and listeners and hope you like this type of epic music i compose.
As always RS Soundtrack does NOT own copyright of the wallpaper engine. I found the wallpaper from this YouTube video as shown from the link below:
Anyway all – happy listening and lets look forward to the next piece when i get time to compose which will be track no.62
Ver este vídeo en YoutubeTodos los derechos corresponden a Rajiv Seewoolall
Visita el canal de Rajiv SeewoolallSigue a Rajiv Seewoolall en Twitter: RSsoundtrack