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New Gothic Storm promo video with lots of great Gothic Storm music from the last two years
– I’ll Be Free (Freedom) arranged by Hannu Honkonen Music and Jules Rendell from album Trailerized Gospel sung by Get Gospel
– Liebstraume (F Liszt) arranged by Wan Ying Chan from album Trailerized Classical
– Wonderful Dimension by Amadeo Lopez from album Wonderment
– Warrior Reborn by Richard Wilkinson – Composer from album The Melodic Dawn
– Vivaldissimo by Ros Stephen and Nick Tzios from album Prestissimo
– The Ninth Circle by Vincent Varco from album Gothic Horror
– Death Spell by Emmanuel Rousseau from album Dark Magic
– Adventurer by René Osmanczyk and David Yousefi from Glorious Adventure Themes
– The Showman by René Osmanczyk from album Event Movie
– Video ends on a reprise of I’ll Be Free (Freedom) arranged by Hannu Honkonen Music and Jules Rendell from album Trailerized Gospel sung by Get Gospel
Edited by Daniel Goland with animated titles by Darin Leach
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Ver este vídeo en YoutubeTodos los derechos corresponden a Gothic Storm
Visita el canal de Gothic Storm