«If Only You Knew How Much I Love You» | Efisio Cross

"If Only You Knew How Much I Love You" | Efisio Cross

Descripción original del vídeo:

Contact : efisiomostallino@gmail.com

✘ Itunes : itunes.apple.com/fr/album/ros…
✘ Spotify : play.spotify.com/track/5MgeVQ…
✘ Bandcamp : https://efisiocross.bandcamp.com/
✘ Website : https://efisiocross.com/
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✘ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/efisio-cross
✘ Cd baby : www.cdbaby.com/cd/efisiocross
✘ Blog: http://efisiocross.over-blog.com/

Hello friends!

I’m very happy to share with you again, my dear friends. I hope that you are all having a great time, and that you are all in good health.

I wanted to share with you an intimate piece I composed this month. It has two meanings, one that I will call «Agape» which will represent the Love of God for Humanity throught Jesus.
The other one will be called «Eros», which represent the human love, between a man and a woman.

First level reflects the Love of God for humanity, by giving us Jesus-Christ. Despite our wrong duties, despite ours mistakes, he showed that He Loved us, by giving His life at the Cross of Calvary to redeem all of us.

The other level of the track is focused on a person I truly loved in my past. I wanted to put in on notes.

The artwork was made by the awesome Sabrina Krilic. She is so awesome friends, I hope that you will show her some love!

Sabrina’s FB : https://www.facebook.com/TheArtworkOfSabrinaKrilic/

I also wanted to thank you beloved brother Lion’s Heart Production, for being a true mentor in my mixing and mastering. I would not be here at all today, without him. I love you so much brother :

Lion’s Heart Production Channel :

Family, I love you all. I try to respond to all of you. I’m so so happy to have you in my life. I love you all. Really. It’s a path that we live together by the Grace of God. If you only knew how nothing I’m. You are so amazing. Really.

Love you all!

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