«The Return of The Christ» | Efisio Cross


Descripción original del vídeo:

Contact : efisiomostallino@gmail.com

🎻 Spotify : Coming!
🎻 Itunes : Coming!

🎶 You can now support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/efisiocross/

✘ Physical Copy of my Album is out now :

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✘ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/efisiocross
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✘ Cd baby : www.cdbaby.com/cd/efisiocross
✘ Blog: http://efisiocross.over-blog.com/
ARTWORK BY Artwork : Wladimir Jara Salazar
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✘ 500px: https://goo.gl/ZQphYb
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✘ Facebook : https://goo.gl/BvUNxu

Hello friends!

I hope that this new year will bring the best for all of you. I’m very grateful to present you a new piece of music entitled «The Return of Christ». This piece will be the last orchestration of the new upcoming album, I’m really exited to present it to you all!

The story of the track refers to a Biblical contemplation describing the Return of the Messiah. I wanted to put the emphasis on that hope as many knows the first entrance of Jesus, but not his Return where He will establish peace in the entire world.

Love you all, thank you so much for being around.
May God keeps you all

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